Our Work

The Action Items we've prioritized in our Action Plan are organized into three groups: people, community and culture. Change is needed for individuals—our day-to-day experiences—and it's needed in community, or in how we relate to one another. In a bigger, broader way, change is needed within institutions and society.


We believe everyone has the right to live, work and move how they choose. Together, we are reimagining the experience of aging in our region. Highlights include:

promoting digital literacy and job search support at community hubs

championing innovative housing solutions that promote aging at home—and in the community

Photo of a redbrick house with a sign in the front that says Healthy Home Laboratory

advocating for sidewalk safety and accessibility


We believe in the power of rich, mutually beneficial relationships. Together, we are creating opportunities for engagement across generations. Highlights include:

encouraging conversation with neighbors to spark intergenerational dialogue

convening municipal leaders and residents for round-table discussions on our priority areas

Photo of several people in conversation at an indoor reception, sitting at tables and standing in groups

inspiring creative engagement to combat loneliness across the lifespans


We believe aging should be valued and celebrated. Together, we are changing perceptions and combatting ageism. Highlights include:

training businesses and organizations to better support neighbors and their care partners

reframing the public’s understanding of what it means to grow old

Logo for Dementia-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh, with a blue flower on a purple background
Photo of an older man smiling and holding a purple sign that reads, "Innovation should be by and for everyone"

establishing a learning exchange with national and international leaders